Auto Tune-Up in Albany, CA

Welcome to Adams Autoworx Albany. We are a family owned auto repair shop that provides comprehensive car care, including tune-up services for residents of Albany, Kensington, and El Cerrito.
Depending on the age of your vehicle, “tune-up” can mean different things. For older vehicles, tune-up used to mean a thorough check of the fuel system, emission control system, ignition system and overall engine check. The goal was to bring their parameters back within the factory specifications.
It was common to distinguish between a minor tune-up, and a major one. Minor tune-up would involve a number of inspections: hoses, belts, wires. It would include ignition timing adjustment (if necessary), check for leaks(oil, coolant or vacuum), and oftentimes spark plugs replacement. Fuel and air filters were routinely replaced as well.
A major tune-up would cover everything that a minor tune-up did, but could also involve fuel pump replacement, transmission fluid replacement, sensor replacement – cam position sensor, crankshaft position sensor, oxygen sensor, to name just a few.
Tune-up for newer vehicles is a less involved affair, because your vehicle is “self-tuning”. Modern vehicles have an on-board computer that monitors engine and emissions in real time. It adjusts things as needed to stay within manufacturer recommended parameters. If the computer cannot correct a problem, or a sensor is faulty, it will illuminate the check engine light, so we can diagnose and fix the problem, before it generates more problems. We still check belts, hoses, look for leaks, and of course when the time comes, we will replace water pump, fuel pump, and spark plugs. But a lot of the tune-up work is handled by computers whenever the engine is running.
Having said that, if it has been a while since your vehicle visited a mechanic, or if you are concerned about brakes or steering, or the dreaded check engine light is on – bring your vehicle to our family owned auto repair facility for a service, and possibly a tune up. Our technicians, certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), will inspect your vehicle and let you know what, if anything, needs to be done beyond a simple oil change.
We are looking forward to seeing you and your vehicle at Adams Autoworx Albany. You will be greeted by our friendly staff, and can rely on our highly skilled technicians to get your car in top shape again. All work performed by our mechanics carries an industry leading, nationwide, 36 months / 36,000 miles warranty.
You can make an appointment on our website, or call the shop directly, and we will be happy to make an appointment that fits your schedule, and of course we can answer any questions you may have about the services we offer.